Pharmaceuticals and Cosmetics

Dispose of it securely, once and for all


Counterfeiting pharmaceuticals has been described by the FBI as the “crime of the 21st century” and is a particularly vicious form of brand piracy. Because the buying public has no way to determine the authenticity of pharmaceuticals, they are totally reliant on packaging and labeling to know what they are taking. This information gap, combined with the high dollar value of prescription pharmaceuticals, makes pharmaceutical labels and packaging a lucrative target for the black market.

As a pharmaceutical manufacturer you are acutely aware of the legal, ethical, and brand risks that come with producing off-spec materials and packaging. Clement can provide the secure destruction services you need to protect your customers and your good name.


Clement can securely destroy your off-spec pharmaceutical waste in three ways:

  • If the product is primarily liquid we put it through a solidification process that will prevent it from being repackaged for black market use. Then we send the treated material to the landfill.
  • If the product is solid or contains packaged liquids (ointment, cough syrup, etc.) we can put the discarded inventory through an industrial shredder, solidify any liquid waste, and send the resulting debris to the landfill.
  • If landfilling remains a concern regardless of how the product is treated beforehand, we can incinerate it completely through our waste-to-energy or direct incineration programs, leaving absolutely no byproduct.


An over-the-counter vitamin manufacturer had created a large shipment of supplements before a second round of lab testing reported that the material did not meet end use UI standards in the United States and would have to be destroyed. Clement was able to help them safely destroy the material through secure shredding and blending the material with other industrial sludge to ensure it could be landfilled safely.

The sooner you call us, the sooner we can help
