Secure Destruction and Brand Protection
Protect your customers and your good name

As a manufacturer with a trusted brand your reputation is critical to your bottom line. The re-selling of branded merchandise poses a major threat to your reputation and your customer’s well-being. So when you need to dispose of off-spec or out-of-date product or inventory simply taking it to the landfill isn’t an option. That’s just an invitation for someone to take advantage of your brand, your company, and your customers.

Clement offers a variety of solutions to securely handle your off-spec material and protect your brand. Depending on the sensitivity of the product we can destroy it utterly through incineration and waste-to-energy, shred or crush it to make it unusable, or blend it with sludge and other waste products to make landfill scavenging impossible.
Typical Streams
- Cosmetics
- Pharmaceutical Waste
- Pharmaceutical Labels and Packaging
- Consumer Products
- First Aid Products (Bandages, Ointments,
- Nutritional Supplements
- Branded Labels
- Prescription Pharmaceuticals
- Prescription Pharmaceutical Labeling and
- Over the Counter Medication
- Cosmetics
- Supplements and Sports Drinks
- Toiletries
- Outdated Inventory and Packaging